Stories empower and humanize cases, our aim at Killed in Egypt is to honour and remember those who have been victims of extrajudicial killings in Egypt since 2011.


Stories & Highlights

Abderhaman, 14, was killed in front of his family in 28 Jan, 2011
Abderhaman was only 14 year old, his father works at  Ministry of Endowments and look after a mosque in the center of Itsa village in al fayoum governorate. The story of killing Abderhaman  is told by his father who said that the Abdel Rahman was visiting his uncle in Suez city with the rest of … Continued 02. 02. 2022
Ahmed Rashid Mashhour The father and the teacher
Ahmed was a father of 4 children, the eldest of them was only 12, the youngest was not yet a toddler, he was a teacher and a family man. He was killed on 14th August, 20213 in Egypt 31. 08. 2021
Alaa El Kamash, a university student who killed in a cold blood by security forces
A university student who loved cycling, and helping other, killed by security forces in a peaceful demonstration. 28. 06. 2021


8 Children to grow up fatherless because of unfair trials.
Egyptian authorities executed seven men on Wednesday and Thursday in connection with “politically motivated” cases, and after a legal process marred by torture and lack of evidence, a rights group has told Middle East Eye. The executions raise the number of political death penalty verdicts implemented since President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power in 2014 … Continued 11. 03. 2022
US to block 130 millions for Egypt over human rights
Reuters: The Biden administration is set to deny $130 million of military aid to Egypt over human rights concerns, three sources familiar with the decision told Reuters. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said in September that the aid would be withheld if Egypt did not address specific human-rights related conditions. Rights groups had called on the administration … Continued 28. 01. 2022
Italian Minister of Justice will fly to Cairo for Regeni
Roma 25 Jan, 2022 La Repubblica reported that italin minister of Justice Marta Cartabia would fly to Cairo to get the address of the four accused agents of Egyptian seuciry who kidnapped, tortured and killed Giulio Regeni 6 years ago. “We need to hear the voice and see the actions of our institutions. Now it’s … Continued 25. 01. 2022

Facts & Reports

Egypt accused of widespread state-sanctioned killings of dissidents
Egyptian security forces engaged in an extended campaign of extrajudicial killings of detainees, routinely masked as shootouts with alleged terrorists, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch. 08. 09. 2021
954 Deaths in Detention Centers in Egypt since 2013, a report said
In a report issued on the death cases inside the detention centers in the Egypt, the Committee for Justice Association said that 958 citizens lost their lives in these centers during the period from June 30, 2013, until the end of November 2019.The report published was on  December 10, 2019 on the International Human Rights … Continued 03. 05. 2020
HRW: War Crimes in North Sinai and new 14 extrajudicial killings
HRW documents new 14 extrajudicial killings in Egypt Human Rights Watch Organization has documented in a 134-page report 14 new extrajudicial killings cases in Egypt. In the report titled “ “‘If You Are Afraid for Your Lives, Leave Sinai!’: Egyptian Security Forces and ISIS-Affiliate Abuses in North Sinai,” HRW  “found that hostilities in North Sinai, … Continued 30. 05. 2019


Shaimaa Fouad Hussein

Event: The 18 days
Occupation: A graduate of the Law School of Ain Shams University
Age: 26

Ashraf Nour El Din Mohamed Abdel Razek

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Worker. Suez Cement Company
Age: 38

Mohamed Ahmed Gamal El-Din Muhammad Nimr

Event: The Battle of the Camels
Occupation: Musharraf workers in the construction company - Technical Institute
Age: 32

Yahya Eid Mohamed Abdel Aal

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Civilian
Age: 45

Shaima Al-Sabbagh

Event: The Memory of the 25th of January Revolution, on the Hands of the Police Forces
Occupation: Poet, human rights activist, wife and mother
Age: 31

Said Mohamed Metwally Ramadan

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Taxi driver
Age: 30

Azzam Farouk Ali Hamidou

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Electrician
Age: 15

Sally Magdy Zahran

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Student in the third year, the Faculty of Arts - Sohag
Age: 23

Alaa Atif Osman «lmasarie

Event: The 18 days
Occupation: Civilian
Age: 25

Ibrahim Reda Mohamed Abdel-Hamid

Event: The Friday of Anger
Occupation: Student
Age: 14

Ahmed Aly Sonbol

Event: Rabaa Al-Adawia massacre
Occupation: Academic
Age: 24