HRW: War Crimes in North Sinai and new 14 extrajudicial killings

HRW documents new 14 extrajudicial killings in Egypt

Human Rights Watch Organization has documented in a 134-page report 14 new extrajudicial killings cases in Egypt.

In the report titled “ “‘If You Are Afraid for Your Lives, Leave Sinai!’: Egyptian Security Forces and ISIS-Affiliate Abuses in North Sinai,” HRW  “found that hostilities in North Sinai, with sustained fighting between organized forces, have risen to the level of a non-international armed conflict, and that warring sides have violated international laws of war as well as local and international human rights laws.”

The report added that”From January 2014 until June 2018, 3,076 alleged militants and 1,226 military and police personnel were killed in the fighting, according to government statements and media reports. Egyptian authorities have not released civilian casualty figures or publicly acknowledged wrongdoing. Human Rights Watch found that Egyptian authorities frequently counted civilians among the alleged militants killed and that hundreds of civilians have been killed or injured.”


For full report read here.